Name and seat
Under the name Hornbachsiedlung there is an association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff. ZGB with its seat in Zurich. It is politically and religiously independent.
Aim and purpose
The purpose of the association is non-profit. The association aims to promote neighborly life between the residents of the Hornbach housing estate and their neighbors. The association also aims to provide financial and non-material support for initiatives by members that promote the quality of life or the neighborhood life in the Hornbach housing estate. The association sees itself as part of the Zurich region and takes regionality and sustainability into account in its decisions, if possible and sensible. The association supports diversity and integration. The association is The association does not pursue any commercial purposes and does not seek any profit. The bodies are active on a voluntary basis.
Financial resources
To pursue the purpose of the association, the association has the following resources:
Membership fees
Income from own events
Income from performance agreements
Donations and grants of all kinds
The membership fees are set by the board and can be changed with one month's notice. There can be different membership fee levels, which can be chosen by the members themselves. The board of directors can stipulate that donations and membership fees can be used in whole or in part by the members as credit for consumption or purchase in the club's premises.
The business year corresponds to the calendar year.
Members can become natural and legal persons who support the purpose of the association.
Natural persons who pay a membership fee and support the purpose of the Hornbach housing estate and live or work in the Hornbach housing estate or live in the immediate vicinity of the Hornbach housing estate can become active members with voting rights.
The board of directors can waive the membership fee for active membership for people with limited financial means.
Passive members without voting rights can be all natural or legal persons who support the purpose of the association.
Honorary membership can be conferred on the members of the general assembly at the suggestion of the board of directors who have made a special contribution to the association.
Patron members with voting rights pay an annual fee that is at least equal to that of the active members.
Members as well as people who live in the Hornbach housing estate can use the infrastructure and offers within the framework of the association's usage concepts. The board of directors can set different usage options and fees for the use of the infrastructure and offers for the different types of memberships or for residents of the Hornbach housing estate.
Applications for admission are made by registering on the club's website. All persons who live in the Hornbach housing estate, are officially registered and support the purpose of the association, have the right to membership. The board of directors reviews the applications and decides on admission.
Termination of Membership
Membership expires
in the case of natural persons through resignation, exclusion or death.
in the case of legal persons through resignation, exclusion or dissolution of the legal person.
Resignation and exclusion
It is possible to resign from the association at the end of each payment period through independent termination on the association's website.
Current payment periods cannot be interrupted.
An active member can be excluded from membership at any time due to violation of the statutes or violation of the goals of the association by the board of directors.
If an active member does not pay the membership fee, the membership is automatically converted into a passive membership.
Organs of the association
The organs of the association are:
the general assembly
the board
The general meeting
The supreme body of the association is the general assembly. This can take place physically or online. A substitute can be provided at physical general meetings. Due to the fact that it is an association of a residential area, the association members are in regular contact. For this reason, there are no ordinary general meetings. Resolutions can be passed with a simple majority vote in the form of an online vote. All active members will be informed of online voting by e-mail (or, if desired, by post) at least 4 days before the voting deadline. A written consent of all members (Art. 66 Para. 2 ZGB) is not necessary. General meetings (physical as well as online) are called by the board as required. Members are invited in writing to the general assembly at least 10 days in advance, stating the agenda. Invitations by email are valid.
1/5 of the members can request that an extraordinary general meeting be called at any time, stating the purpose. The meeting must take place no later than 4 weeks after receipt of the request.
Requests for additional business for the attention of the general assembly are to be addressed in writing to the board of directors no later than 7 days before the general assembly.
The General Meeting is the supreme body of the Association. She has the following inalienable
Tasks and competencies:
Discharge of the board of directors
Election of the presidium and the other board members as well as the control body (if available).
Resolution on proposals from the board of directors and members
Change of statutes
Resolution on the dissolution of the association and the use of the liquidation proceeds.
Every properly called general meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of members present.
The members pass the resolutions with a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote.
Changes to the statutes require the approval of an absolute majority.
At least one minutes of the resolutions must be drawn up on the resolutions passed. This can be in the form of a documented online vote.
The board of directors
The board consists of at least 2 people.
The term of office is normally 1 year, which the board can shorten as required. Re-election is possible.
The board manages the day-to-day business and represents the association externally.
He issues regulations.
He can set up working groups (specialist groups).
In order to achieve the goals of the association, he or she can employ or commission people in return for appropriate compensation (according to labor law).
The board of directors has all powers that are not transferred to another body by law or in accordance with these statutes.
In particular, these are:
Approval of the minutes of the last general meeting
Approval of the annual report of the board of directors
Receipt of the audit report and approval of the annual financial statements
Determination of membership fees
Approval of the annual budget
Resolution on the program of activities
Decision on the exclusion of members
At least the following departments are represented on the board:
Presidium with one person or co-presidium made up of 2 or more people
Furthermore, the board of directors can decide, if necessary, that the following departments are also represented:
Office accumulation is possible.
The board constitutes itself.
The board of directors meets as often as business requires in any form. Each board member can request a meeting (including online), stating the reasons.
If no board member requests verbal advice, the resolution by circular (also e-mail or online) is valid.
The board of directors works on a voluntary basis and free of charge; it is entitled to reimbursement of the actual expenses.
The auditor
The association does not have an auditor.
Authorization to sign
The board of directors regulates the authorization of two to sign.
Only the association's assets are liable for the association's debts. A personal liability of the members is excluded.
Dissolution of the association
The dissolution of the association can be decided by an ordinary or extraordinary general meeting and can be done with an absolute majority of the members present if at least half of the members participate.
If less than half of all members attend the meeting, a second meeting must be held within one month. At this meeting, the association can also be dissolved with a simple majority if less than half of the members are present.
If the association is dissolved, the association's assets go to a tax-exempt organization in Switzerland that pursues the same or a similar purpose. The distribution of the association's assets among the members is excluded.
Come into effect
The original statutes were adopted at the founding meeting on September 20, 2021 and came into force on this date. The statutes were revised on December 11, 2021 and came into force on this date.
December 11, 2021, Zurich